Course Outline


Postman and API Testing

  • API testing vs Unit testing vs UI testing

Overview of Protocols Supported by Postman

  • Soap, Rest, HTTP, GraphQL
  • Path parameters vs query parameters

Fundamentals of API Testing

  • Get requests
  • Post requests
  • Parameterize requests
  • Collections

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing and configuring Postman
  • Registering in Postman

Creating API Requests

  • Using a test API
  • Passing additional data with a request
  • Creating dynamic requests with variables
  • Importing requests from a browser
  • Debugging requests
  • Saving and sharing requests
  • Inspecting responses

Testing and Scripting

  • Scripting a test
  • Testing an API
  • Refactoring tests

API Workflows With GitHub

  • Setting up two-factor authentication on Postman and in GitHub
  • Creating a simple workflow with GitHub API

Automating Test Running

  • Sampling collection runner
  • Using Postman monitors
  • Installing NewMan
  • Running a collection on Newman and generating a report

Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of HTTP
  • NodeJS/NPM experience


  • Software Testers
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (7)

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