Course Outline

Getting Started

  • Installation

Tutorials & Examples

  • SimpleCV Shell
  • SimpleCV Basics
  • The Hello World program
  • Interacting with the Display
  • Loading a Directory of Images
  • Macro’s
  • Kinect
  • Timing
  • Detecting a Car
  • Segmenting the Image and Morphology
  • Image Arithmetic
    • Exceptions in Image Math
    • Histograms
    • Color Space
    • Using Hue Peaks
    • Creating a Motion Blur Effect
    • Simulating Long Exposure
    • Chroma Key (Green Screen)
  • Drawing on Images in SimpleCV
    • Layers
    • Marking up the Image
    • Text and Fonts
    • Making a Custom Display Object


Knowlege of the following languages:

  • Python
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

Provisional Upcoming Courses (Require 5+ participants)