Graphic techniques (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) Training Course
What you will learn during the training:
- principles of creating computer graphics
- ways to adjust the color of photos
- principles of retouching and creating photomontages
- ways of preparing logos, charts, tables and illustrations
- preparation of business cards, simple advertisements, billboards and leaflets
- basics of preparing graphics for printing and Internet applications
Examples of lesson topics:
- my poster
- portrait
- space
- my catalogue
- my face
- billboard
- my logo
Course Outline
- Basics of image construction and color models
- Scanning
- Adjusting the color of photos
- Retouching and modifications
- Photomontages
- Recording formats, graphics recording and optimization
- Creating illustrations, logos
- Making and printing business cards
- Preparing a simple advertising leaflet
- Charts and tables - attractive presentation of data
Good computer skills.
Open Training Courses require 5+ participants.
Graphic techniques (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) Training Course - Booking
Graphic techniques (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator) Training Course - Enquiry
Testimonials (2)
Very interactive with various examples, with a good progression in complexity between the start and the end of the training.
Jenny - Andheo
Course - GPU Programming with CUDA and Python
Trainers energy and humor.
Tadeusz Kaluba - Nokia Solutions and Networks Sp. z o.o.
Course - NVIDIA GPU Programming - Extended
Provisional Upcoming Courses (Require 5+ participants)
Related Courses
Administration of CUDA
35 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level system administrators and IT professionals who wish to install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot CUDA environments.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Understand the architecture, components, and capabilities of CUDA.
- Install and configure CUDA environments.
- Manage and optimize CUDA resources.
- Debug and troubleshoot common CUDA issues.
GPU Programming with CUDA and Python
14 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to use CUDA to build Python applications that run in parallel on NVIDIA GPUs.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Use the Numba compiler to accelerate Python applications running on NVIDIA GPUs.
- Create, compile and launch custom CUDA kernels.
- Manage GPU memory.
- Convert a CPU based application into a GPU-accelerated application.
Learning Maya
14 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at web designers who wish to use Maya for creating 3D animations.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Create realistic models and textures in Maya.
- Animate and render projects for high quality playback.
- Simulate natural effects like water and smoke.
WebGL: Create an Animated 3D Application
21 HoursWebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering 3D graphics within a web browser without the use of plug-ins.
In this instructor-led, live training, participants will learn how to generate realistic computer images using 3D graphics as they step through the creation of an animated 3D application that runs in a browser.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Understand and use WebGL's various functionality, including meshes, transforms, cameras, materials, lighting, and animation
- Animate objects with WebGL
- Create 3D objects using WebGL
- Developers
Format of the course
- Part lecture, part discussion, exercises and heavy hands-on practice
Adobe Animate: Basics to Advanced
21 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level graphic designers and animators who wish to learn how to create stunning animations, interactive media, and engaging web content using Adobe Animate.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Navigate the Adobe Animate interface and tools.
- Create and edit animations using keyframes, motion tweens, and shape tweens.
- Design interactive animations and applications with ActionScript and JavaScript.
- Incorporate audio and video elements into projects.
- Export animations for web, video, and mobile platforms.
AMD GPU Programming
28 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to use ROCm and HIP to program AMD GPUs and exploit their parallelism.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Set up a development environment that includes ROCm Platform, a AMD GPU, and Visual Studio Code.
- Create a basic ROCm program that performs vector addition on the GPU and retrieves the results from the GPU memory.
- Use ROCm API to query device information, allocate and deallocate device memory, copy data between host and device, launch kernels, and synchronize threads.
- Use HIP language to write kernels that execute on the GPU and manipulate data.
- Use HIP built-in functions, variables, and libraries to perform common tasks and operations.
- Use ROCm and HIP memory spaces, such as global, shared, constant, and local, to optimize data transfers and memory accesses.
- Use ROCm and HIP execution models to control the threads, blocks, and grids that define the parallelism.
- Debug and test ROCm and HIP programs using tools such as ROCm Debugger and ROCm Profiler.
- Optimize ROCm and HIP programs using techniques such as coalescing, caching, prefetching, and profiling.
NVIDIA GPU Programming
14 HoursThis course covers how to program GPUs for parallel computing. Some of the applications include deep learning, analytics, and engineering applications.
Introduction to GPU Programming
21 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to learn the basics of GPU programming and the main frameworks and tools for developing GPU applications.
- By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
Understand the difference between CPU and GPU computing and the benefits and challenges of GPU programming. - Choose the right framework and tool for their GPU application.
- Create a basic GPU program that performs vector addition using one or more of the frameworks and tools.
- Use the respective APIs, languages, and libraries to query device information, allocate and deallocate device memory, copy data between host and device, launch kernels, and synchronize threads.
- Use the respective memory spaces, such as global, local, constant, and private, to optimize data transfers and memory accesses.
- Use the respective execution models, such as work-items, work-groups, threads, blocks, and grids, to control the parallelism.
- Debug and test GPU programs using tools such as CodeXL, CUDA-GDB, CUDA-MEMCHECK, and NVIDIA Nsight.
- Optimize GPU programs using techniques such as coalescing, caching, prefetching, and profiling.
GPU Programming with CUDA
28 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to use CUDA to program NVIDIA GPUs and exploit their parallelism.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Set up a development environment that includes CUDA Toolkit, a NVIDIA GPU, and Visual Studio Code.
- Create a basic CUDA program that performs vector addition on the GPU and retrieves the results from the GPU memory.
- Use CUDA API to query device information, allocate and deallocate device memory, copy data between host and device, launch kernels, and synchronize threads.
- Use CUDA C/C++ language to write kernels that execute on the GPU and manipulate data.
- Use CUDA built-in functions, variables, and libraries to perform common tasks and operations.
- Use CUDA memory spaces, such as global, shared, constant, and local, to optimize data transfers and memory accesses.
- Use CUDA execution model to control the threads, blocks, and grids that define the parallelism.
- Debug and test CUDA programs using tools such as CUDA-GDB, CUDA-MEMCHECK, and NVIDIA Nsight.
- Optimize CUDA programs using techniques such as coalescing, caching, prefetching, and profiling.
97% de clients satisfaits.
GPU Programming with OpenACC
28 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to use OpenACC to program heterogeneous devices and exploit their parallelism.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Set up an OpenACC development environment.
- Write and run a basic OpenACC program.
- Annotate code with OpenACC directives and clauses.
- Use OpenACC API and libraries.
- Profile, debug, and optimize OpenACC programs.
GPU Programming with OpenCL
28 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to use OpenCL to program heterogeneous devices and exploit their parallelism.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Set up a development environment that includes OpenCL SDK, a device that supports OpenCL, and Visual Studio Code.
- Create a basic OpenCL program that performs vector addition on the device and retrieves the results from the device memory.
- Use OpenCL API to query device information, create contexts, command queues, buffers, kernels, and events.
- Use OpenCL C language to write kernels that execute on the device and manipulate data.
- Use OpenCL built-in functions, extensions, and libraries to perform common tasks and operations.
- Use OpenCL host and device memory models to optimize data transfers and memory accesses.
- Use OpenCL execution model to control the work-items, work-groups, and ND-ranges.
- Debug and test OpenCL programs using tools such as CodeXL, Intel VTune, and NVIDIA Nsight.
- Optimize OpenCL programs using techniques such as vectorization, loop unrolling, local memory, and profiling.
GPU Programming - OpenCL vs CUDA vs ROCm
28 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to use different frameworks for GPU programming and compare their features, performance, and compatibility.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Set up a development environment that includes OpenCL SDK, CUDA Toolkit, ROCm Platform, a device that supports OpenCL, CUDA, or ROCm, and Visual Studio Code.
- Create a basic GPU program that performs vector addition using OpenCL, CUDA, and ROCm, and compare the syntax, structure, and execution of each framework.
- Use the respective APIs to query device information, allocate and deallocate device memory, copy data between host and device, launch kernels, and synchronize threads.
- Use the respective languages to write kernels that execute on the device and manipulate data.
- Use the respective built-in functions, variables, and libraries to perform common tasks and operations.
- Use the respective memory spaces, such as global, local, constant, and private, to optimize data transfers and memory accesses.
- Use the respective execution models to control the threads, blocks, and grids that define the parallelism.
- Debug and test GPU programs using tools such as CodeXL, CUDA-GDB, CUDA-MEMCHECK, and NVIDIA Nsight.
- Optimize GPU programs using techniques such as coalescing, caching, prefetching, and profiling.
NVIDIA GPU Programming - Extended
21 HoursThis instructor-led, live training course in New Zealand covers how to program GPUs for parallel computing, how to use various platforms, how to work with the CUDA platform and its features, and how to perform various optimization techniques using CUDA. Some of the applications include deep learning, analytics, image processing and engineering applications.
ROCm for Windows
21 HoursThis instructor-led, live training in New Zealand (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner-level to intermediate-level developers who wish to install and use ROCm on Windows to program AMD GPUs and exploit their parallelism.
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Set up a development environment that includes ROCm Platform, a AMD GPU, and Visual Studio Code on Windows.
- Create a basic ROCm program that performs vector addition on the GPU and retrieves the results from the GPU memory.
- Use ROCm API to query device information, allocate and deallocate device memory, copy data between host and device, launch kernels, and synchronize threads.
- Use HIP language to write kernels that execute on the GPU and manipulate data.
- Use HIP built-in functions, variables, and libraries to perform common tasks and operations.
- Use ROCm and HIP memory spaces, such as global, shared, constant, and local, to optimize data transfers and memory accesses.
- Use ROCm and HIP execution models to control the threads, blocks, and grids that define the parallelism.
- Debug and test ROCm and HIP programs using tools such as ROCm Debugger and ROCm Profiler.
- Optimize ROCm and HIP programs using techniques such as coalescing, caching, prefetching, and profiling.